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Monday, 30 November 2020 15:52

Research Portal

Majan's Research Portal

About the Research Portal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Credo (noun): a statement of the beliefs which guide someone's actions. From the Latin for ‘I believe’.

The MUC teaching credo encapsulates five key ingredients which we believe to be important in successful teaching and learning.

Each element in the CREDO acronym is closely associated with the contents of the document ‘Majan University College Standards for Teaching and the Support of Learning’. The table below shows this relationship.

CREDO Item ‘Majan University College Standards for Teaching and the Support of Learning’ Item
Combining traditional teaching with smart use of technology
Section 2: Blended Learning
Teaching and the support of learning at MUC must involve:
2.1       frequent engagement with the online learning management system (MOVE);
2.2       a range of appropriate multimedia learning experiences;
2.3       a balance of face to face and technology-mediated interaction and learning.
Reducing the length of periods of ‘lecturing’
Section 3: Classroom Interaction
3.3       Classroom learning and teaching at MUC… keeps lecturing and lecturer talking time to a necessary minimum.
Encouraging student participation

Section 3: Classroom Interaction

Classroom learning and teaching at MUC…
3.1       actively encourages students to contribute to discussions and to ask questions;
3.2       involves both lecturer-student and peer-assisted (peer to peer) learning;
3.4       emphasizes pair work, group work, problem-solving, and student presentations.

Developing students as independent thinkers and learners
Section 6: Learning Support
In supporting independent learning, MUC academic staff must:
6.2       ensure that students make use of a range of online and library-based resources;
Appendix (section 6): …help students to learn outside class and to develop as independent and lifelong learners.
Offering individual support to students
Section 6: Learning Support
In supporting personalised learning, MUC academic staff must:
6.3       be available, approachable and supportive at all convenient times;
6.4       make every effort to know individual students and their particular strengths and weaknesses;
6.5       establish and maintain a positive relationship with all students.
Wednesday, 16 September 2020 08:51

SAP University Alliance Partner

In 2020 Majan University College (MUC) partnered with SAP, the enterprise resource planning giants, via SAP University Alliances and the SAP Next-Gen community. Visit SAP website

Under the agreement, MUC becomes eligible to use SAP software products for research and other academic purposes. MUC will be using SAP software through the SAP University Competence Centre and will be able to provide state of the art technological solutions in areas such as oil and gas business processes, IoT solutions, ERP operations, and banking services.

MUC's Dean Dr Maha Kobeil argues that academic partnership with SAP will play a major role in developing in MUC graduates the technological skills needed as Oman strives to transform itself into a leading-edge knowledge economy. The agreement constitutes a major milestone in the growth and significance of Majan and will serve as a catalyst for collaborative research involving academia and industry.

On behalf of SAP, Wissam Kadi, Global Director at SAP Next-Gen and SAP University Alliances, stated that “We are very proud to team up with Majan University College to enhance digital literacy skills among young people in Oman. SAP Next-Gen looks forward to facilitating MUC’s digital transformation journey and to playing its part in progress towards achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals."

Sunday, 10 May 2020 14:50

COVID-19 : FAQs and more (ar)

معلومات مهمة الأسئلة الشائعة اتصل بنا ابق آمن English

نحن دائما موجودون لأجلك         

أثناء تفشي مرض كورونا (COVID-19) من المهم جدًا لمجتمع كلية جامعة مجان الجامعية أن يظل متعاضدا و أن نبقى على تواصل مع الجميع ، لقد قمنا بإعداد هذه الصفحة لتمكين الجميع من مواكبة مستجدات الأحداث في الكلية، بعد أن منع تفشي الفيروس التاجي استمرار الصفوف الدراسية و المحاضرات والاجتماعات العادية وفق قرارات و إرشادات اللجنة العليا و وزارة الصحة . توفر لك هذه الصفحة معلومات مهمة يتم تحديثها بانتظام ، بالإضافة إلى فرص لطرح الأسئلة وإجابتها من قبل الأشخاص المسؤولين ، بشكل عام يوفر الموقع وسيلة للتواصل مع الآخرين و توثيق العلاقات معهم والمساهمة بشكل إيجابي في بث روح التعاون و العمل الجماعي في هذه الأوقات الصعبة، أخيرا ننصحكم بالبقاء آمنين و أن تحافظوا على صحتكم و أن تساهموا ايجابيا في توعية المجتمع من حولكم، ابق آمنا ، و ابق على تواصل مع كلية مجان كما نحثكم على الاستمرار في اتباع جميع الممارسات التي أوصت بها وزارة الصحة ، مثل الإبعاد الاجتماعي والغسيل المنتظم لليدين و تعقيمهما و لبس الكمامات الواقية.

معلومات مهمة:

حول الدراسات العليا:

  • بدء عملية التقديم للدراسة : 14 مارس 2021
  • نهاية عملية التقديم للدراسة : 26 أغسطس 2021
  • بداية التسجيل للفصل القادم: 16 أغسطس 2021
  • نهاية التسجيل: 05 سبتمبر 2021
  • تبدأ الدراسة في سبتمبر 2021

تنطبق المعلومات أعلاه على ماجستير إدارة الأعمال ، ماجستير علوم الحاسب الآلي ، ماجستير في إدارة الموارد البشرية الدولية وماجستير في اللغويات التطبيقية. يرجى ملاحظة أنه من المتوقع أن تقوم جامعة بيدفورشاير بالتأكيد على هذه التواريخ و بمجرد تأكيدها ، سنقوم بتحديث هذه المعلومات.

معلومات حول دراسات البكالوريوس:

  • الفصل الدراسي الصيفي لبرامج البكالوريوس مفتوح للتسجيل. لمعرفة المزيد اتصل على 24730409/80071000 أو أرسل بريدًا إلكترونيًا إلى This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. انقر هنا لمعرفة المواد الدراسية  المعروضة في هذا الصيف.
  • يمكن للطلاب الجدد (المحليين والدوليين) إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. أو This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. للاستفسارات المتعلقة بالتسجيل والقبول. وسيبدأ التسجيل للطلاب الجدد في أغسطس2020.
  • يرجى التواصل على  الخطوط الساخنة الآتية  للاستفسار حول القبول في الكلية: 80071000 و 24730409.

الأسئلة الشائعة

اسئلة عامة:

  • كيف ستتغير الامتحانات و أدوات التقييم أثناء التعلم عن بعد؟

    لن تتغير أدوات التقييم و الامتحانات أثناء التدريس عن بعد ، و لكن يتم تعديلها قليلاً لتتناسب مع الوضع الحالي. يمكن أن تكون الامتحانات و التقييمات في شكل اختبار عبر الإنترنت ، امتحانات منزلية ، إمتحان الكتاب المفتوح ، واجبات منزلية ، بحوث ، عروض تقديمية ، عروض الملصقات (بوسترات) أو نقاشات و العديد من أشكال التقييم الأخرى. يتم التفكير في التقييمات جيدًا لتناسب الوضع الحالي و التخفيف من الأعباء على الطلاب أيضا .

  • كيف يمكنني التسجيل للفصل الصيفي / و فصل سبتمبر2020؟

    رابط التسجيل عبر الإنترنت متاحًا لك للتسجيل في المقررات الصيفية

  • كيف يتم قياس الحضور؟ هل الحضور إلزامي؟

    نعم ، الحضور إلزامي. يتم تسجيل حضورك في فصول GoToMeeting (بما في ذلك متى تنضم ومتى تغادر). في بعض الحالات ، قد يكمل المحاضرون الدروس عن بعد بأنشطة على MOVE ، هذه الأنشطة ستساعدك على التعلم ، ولكن لا يتم احتسابها عادةً في الحضور.

  • كيف أحصل على إفادة التخرج؟

    سيتم إرسال نسخة مصورة ضوئيًا عبر البريد الإلكتروني لجميع الخريجين الذين استوفوا جميع المتطلبات. و لكن بمجرد تحسن الأوضاع الحالية ، يمكن الخريجين للحضور و استلام إفادات التخرج الأصلية من الكلية.

  • التعلم عن بعد يتطلب الكثير من بيانات الإنترنت ، كيف يمكنك مساعدتي؟

    لا تفرض عمانتل رسومًا للوصول إلى MOVE ودروس GoToMeeting الخاصة بك. يمكنك الوصول إليها في خطة البيانات الخاصة بك دون أن يكلفك أي رصيد (يرجى ملاحظة أن التطبيقات الأخرى الموصولة بالإنترنت في خلفية جهازك قد تستهلك رصيدك من البيانات). إذا كنت تستخدم مزودًا مختلفًا ، فقد ترغب في شراء بطاقة SIM عمانتل مسبقة الدفع لتلقي هذه الخدمة.

  • . أحتاج بعض الدعم ، بمن اتصل؟

    للحصول على الدعم العام ، أرسل بريدًا إلكترونيًا إلى This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., للحصول على الدعم الأكاديمي ، يجب عليك الاتصال مدرس المادة الخاص بك في المقام الأول ، ولكن إذا كان غير قادر على مساعدتك ، يمكنك إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • متى سيعود التدريس إلى الحرم الجامعي؟

    أولويتنا هي سلامة الطلاب والموظفين لدينا. حتى الآن ، لا نتوقع استئناف أي دروس داخل الحرم الجامعي حتى سبتمبر على أقرب تقدير. بالطبع سنتبع جميع الإرشادات من وزارة التعليم العالي واللجنة العليا و سوف نكون على تواصل معكم بشأن أي جديد حول الموضوع.

الأسئلة الشائعة المتعلقة بالمالية:

  • كيف أقوم بدفع رسوم الكلية أثناء حالة الإغلاق؟

    بالنسبة للطلاب الذين دفعوا بالفعل عن طريق الشيكات ، سنقوم بإيداع الشيكات الخاصة بهم لتحصيلها من البنك بحلول تواريخ استحقاق الشيكات. يمكن للطلاب الذين اعتادوا على الدفع نقدًا قبل تاريخ استحقاق الشيك إما الدفع عبر الدفع الألكتروني في موقع الكلية قبل تاريخ الاستحقاق أو طلب حجز الشيك حتى يتم إجراء الترتيبات للدفع عبر الموقع الألكتروني لمن لا يملك بطاقة مصرفية حتى حينه كما سيتم منح الشيكات المدفوعة للطلاب عند إعادة فتح الكلية مرة أخرى. يجب على الطلاب الذين لم يدفعوا بعد نقدًا أو بالشيكات ولا يزال عليهم رسوم مستحقة الدفع أن يدفعوا عبر الموقع الالكتروني فقط ولكن سيتعين عليهم دفع غرامة تأخير وفقًا لسياسة دفع الرسوم العادية. في جميع الحالات ، يجب على الطلاب إكمال مدفوعاتهم عبر موقع الكلية الألكتروني لأي رسوم مستحقة قبل بدء التسجيل للفصل الدراسي في سبتمبر 2020. Click here to learn more about online payment.

  • هل سيتم تخفيض الرسوم؟

    يأتي التدريس والدعم عبر الإنترنت بتكلفة إضافية بالإضافة إلى النفقات المعتادة أثناء عملية الإغلاق هذه، تشمل هذه التكلفة على سبيل المثال تكلفة المنصات الرقمية والتكاليف التي ينطوي عليها إعداد المحتوى الإلكتروني والساعات الإضافية المستهلكة خلال هذه العملية. ستتحمل الكلية هذه التكاليف الإضافية أثناء الإغلاق ولكن يجب عليها الحفاظ على نفس مستوى الرسوم للوفاء بالتزاماتها ونفقاتها المعتادة من أجل تقديم أفضل تجربة تعليمية.

  • هل يجب علي دفع جميع مستحقاتي للفصل الدراسي الحالي قبل التسجيل الصيفي؟

    تدرك الكلية الحاجة لدعم الطلاب خلال هذه الأوقات الصعبة وتخفيف دفع الرسوم لكل من الفصل الدراسي الحالي والفصل الصيفي. لن نحظر على الطلاب ذوي الرسوم المستحقة من التسجيل في الفصل الصيفي والحصول على نتائجهم للفصل الدراسي الحالي. يمكن للطلاب إكمال دفع الفصل الصيفي قبل التسجيل للفصل الدراسي الجديد في سبتمبر 2020.. سيتعين على الطلاب إكمال مدفوعاتهم من خلال النظام عبر الإنترنت بموقع الكلية الألكتروني.

  • كيف أدفع للفصل الصيفي؟

    حتى انتهاء إغلاق ولاية مطرح ، سيتم تعليق الدفع من خلال النقد أو الشيكات لذا سيتعين على الطلاب الدفع عبر الإنترنت باستخدام بطاقات الخصم المباشر أو بطاقة الائتمان المصرفية بعد إكمال تسجيلهم عبر الإنترنت. سيتم منح الطلاب فترة سماح لإكمال مدفوعاتهم عبر موقع الكلية لأية رسوم معلقة قبل التسجيل للفصل الدراسي الجديد في سبتمبر 2020. Click here to learn more about online payment.

  • كيف يتم حساب رسوم السكن الخاصة بي للفصل الدراسي الحالي والصيف؟

    سيتم إعفاء الطلاب من دفع رسوم السكن لمدة شهرين للفصل الدراسي الحالي (أبريل ومايو) بسبب تعليق الدراسة في الحرم الجامعي منذ 15 مارس ، وسيتعين عليهم الدفع لمدة شهرين فقط (فبراير ومارس) لأن الرسوم يتم احتسابها على أساس شهري وليس يومي ، وفقًا لسياسة رسوم السكن العادية. وهذا يعني أن أي عدد من الأيام المتبقية في مارس يتم حسابها على أنها شهر كامل. بالنسبة للتسجيل الصيفي ، سيكون السكن كالعادة مجانيًا ما لم يستمر الإغلاق ، لذلك سيتم أيضًا إعفاء الطلاب من رسوم السكنات الداخلية. جدير بالذكر أن الكلية تقوم باستئجار السكنات الطلابية لمدة عام كامل بينما يدفع الطلاب في الأحوال العادية تكاليف استئجار ثمانية أشهر فقط للفصل الدراسي الأول والثاني.

  • كيف يمكنني تحصيل وديعة التأمين الخاصة بي خلال فترة الإغلاق؟

    يتم استرداد ودائع مبالغ التأمين بعد التخرج أو الانسحاب من الكلية، في كلتا الحالتين ، يجب على الطلاب التواصل مع قسم التسجيل (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) للترتيب لعملية إخلاء الطرف، بمجرد استكمال نموذج إخلاء الطرف ، يجب إرسال نسخة إلى البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بقسم الشؤون المالية (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) مع تفاصيل البنك: و الذي يشمل اسم البنك و نوع الحساب و رقم حساب. كما يفضل أن ترسل إلينا لقطة شاشة لرقم حسابك حتى نتمكن من التحقق من التفاصيل المصرفية المقدمة و تجنب الأخطاء سيساعدنا هذا على تجنب أي تأخير في إرسال مبالغ التأمين المستردة.

قنوات التواصل المهمة:

  • الرقم المجاني للطلاب الجدد والاستفسارات العامة (الفاضلة فاطمة الكندي)

الهاتف: 80071000

البريد الألكتروني: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • استفسارات القبول المحلية والدولية (الفاضلة  صفاء الرواحي)  

الهاتف: 24730409

بريد الألكتروني: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


  • مركز الدراسات العليا:

البريد الألكتروني: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • إدارة القبول والتسجيل (الفاضلة شمسة المسلمي)

الهاتف: 24730424

البريد الألكتروني: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • الدعم الطلابي و خدمات الطلاب (الفاضل :  خميس الغافري)

الهاتف: 24730411

البريد الألكتروني: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • الدعم الأكاديمي (د. عمار البلوشي)

الهاتف:  24730464

البريد الألكتروني: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


تعقيبات بعض الطلاب عن التعلم عن بعد:

غدير المشيفرية، طالبة مقيدة بتخصص الحماسبة في كلية مجان الجامعية

تعاملت كلية  مجان الجامعية  مع وضع الإغلاق إبان الفترة الماضية بسرعة مذهلة ، كنا نحصل على دروسنا عبر الإنترنت منذ اليوم الأول. هي تجربة جديدة بالنسبة لنا جميعًا وقد واجهنا مجموعة من التحديات ولكن كان من الجيد لنا أن نتمكن من مواصلة دراساتنا دون انقطاع. إن المحاضرين، وخاصة الأستاذ جورج يساعدون و يدعمون الطلبة جميعا ، كما  أنهم يردون على استفساراتنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني حتى في وقت متأخر من الليل.

محمد بدر المعمري ، طالب مقيد بتخصص تكنولوجيا المعلومات في كلية مجان الجامعية

لقد بهرتني سرعة انتقال كلية مجان الجامعية إلى التعليم عن بعد ، لقد كان تحديًا ولكنه تجربة ممتازة بشكل عام. أحب أن التأكيد على الدعم و المساندة التي قدمها الأساتذة لنا طوال هذه المدة الصعبة، حيث استطعنا التواصل معهم وجها لوجه عبر برنامج GoToMeeting.


سعيد بن محمود المنذري ، طالب مقيد بتخصص اللغة الإنجليزية في كلية مجان الجامعية

أظهرت كلية مجان الجامعية خبرة واسعة  بالطريقة التي تحولت بها على الفور إلى طريقة بديلة للتدريس. لقد تعلمنا الكثير من خلال مواجهة هذا التحدي. يقوم الأساتذة  بحفظ  جميع المحاضرات  و يساعدوننا باستمرار من خلال البريد الإلكتروني و عبر دروس الفيديو  ، وقد ساعدونا حقًا خلال هذه الفترة الصعبة.

آلاء مصطفى اللواتي ، طالبة مقيدة بتخصص التسويق في كلية مجان الجامعية

عندما بدأ التدريس عبر الإنترنت ، لم أكن أعتقد للحظة أنه سيعمل ، لكني أعجبت حقًا بالنتيجة. آمل أن أتخرج في هذا الفصل الدراسي ، لذا فإن عدم تأخر التدريس يعني الكثير بالنسبة لي. أصبح ا التعلم الآن مريحا في المنزل ، لكنني أفتقد زملائي. أنا ممتنة حقًا لكل الجهود التي بذلها المعلمون لضمان عدم التأخر في الدراسة.

أبقى آمنا ، حافظ على صحتك

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العودة للأعلى

آخر تحديث لصفحة الويب بتاريخ 02/02/2021 10:45

Sunday, 10 May 2020 14:50

COVID-19 : FAQs and more

Important Information FAQs Contact Us Be Safe! العربية

We are always there for you!

During the ongoing Covid19 outbreak, it is very important for the Majan University College community to remain united and stay in touch. We have set up this webpage to enable everyone to keep up to date with College matters while the coronavirus prevents normal face to face classes and meetings from taking place. This page provides you with regularly updated news items, as well as opportunities to ask questions and have them answered by whoever knows the relevant information. In general, the site provides a means to maintain a close relationship with others in the College fraternity and to contribute positively to the spirit of togetherness as we all navigate our way through these rather frustrating and worrying times. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay close to Majan! We urge you to continue following all the practices recommended by the Ministry of Health, such as social distancing and regular hand washing.

Important Information:

Postgratuate Information

  • Start of Application Process: March 14, 2021
  • End of Application Process: August 26, 2021
  • Start of Registration: August 16, 2021
  • End of Registration: September 05, 2021
  • Classes commence in September, 2021

The information above applies for MBA, MSc, MA in International Human Resource Management and MA in Applied Lingustics. Please note that these dates are expected to be confirmed by the University. Once they are confirmed, we will be updating this section.

Undergraduate Information

  • Summer Semester for Undergraduate programmes is open for registrations. Call 24730409 / 80071000 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to know more. Click here to know the modules on offer this summer.
  • New students (Local and International) can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for registration and admissions related enquiries. Registration for new students will commence in August.
  • 80071000 and 24730409 are the hotlines for admission enquiries.


General FAQs

  • How will my assessments change during online teaching learning?

    The assessments are not changed during the online teaching, however, they are slightly modified to suit the current scenario. The assessments could be in a form of; online test, take home assessment/exam, open book exam, assignments, presentations, viva, poster presentations and debate among many other forms. The assessments are well thought of to suit the current situation and not to burden students as well.

  • How do I register for the Summer/September semester?

    The online registration link will be available for you to register for summer modules.

  • How is attendance measured? Is attendance compulsory?

    Yes, attendance is compulsory. Your presence in GoToMeeting classes is recorded (including when you join and when you leave). In some cases your lecturers may supplement online classes with activities on MOVE, Participation in such activities will help you to learn, but does not normally count towards attendance.

  • How will I get my notification?

    A scanned copy will be emailed to all graduates who fulfilled all the requirements. Once the situation is improved, then graduates might be invited to come and collect their original notification from the college.

  • Online learning takes a lot of internet, how can you help me?

    Omantel does not charge for access to MOVE and your GoToMeeting classes. You can access these on your data plan without it costing you any balance (please note, other apps may access the internet in the background and use your balance). If you are on a different provider you may want to consider purchasing a prepaid Omantel SIM for your online classes.

  • I have some support needs, who should I contact?

    For general support email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for academic support you should contact your tutor in the first instance, but if they are unable to assist you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • When will teaching switch back to campus?

    Our priority is the safety of our students and staff. As of now, we do not anticipate any face to face classes resuming until September at the earliest. We will of course be following all the guidelines from the Ministry of Higher Education and the Supreme Committee.

Finance related FAQs

  • How do I pay my college fees during the lockdown state?

    For students who already paid by cheque we will deposit their cheques for collection at the bank by their cheques’ due dates. Students who are used to paying by cash before the cheque due date can either pay online before the due date or request to withhold the cheque until arrangements have been made to pay online if no bank card has yet been issued. The paid cheques will be given to students when the College reopens again after lockdown. Students who didn't pay yet by cash/cheque and still have outstanding fees will have to pay by online only but will have to add the payment delay penalty, according to the normal fee payment policy. In all cases students must complete their payments online for any outstanding fees before the start of registration for the September 2020 semester. Click here to learn more about online payment.

  • Will there be a reduction in fees?

    Online teaching and support comes with a cost which is additional to the usual expenses during the lockdown. This cost includes, for example, the cost of digital platforms, and the costs involved in preparing electronic content and extra hours consumed during this process. The College will bear these additional costs during lockdown but has to maintain the same fees level to meet its usual obligations and expenses in order to offer the best learning experience.

  • Will I have to pay all my dues for the current semester before summer registration?

    The College recognizes the need to support students during these difficult times and relax the fees payment for both the current semester and the summer semester. We will not block students with outstanding fees from registering for the summer courses and getting their results for the current semester. Students can complete the summer semester payment before they register for the new semester in September 2020. Students will have to complete their payments through the online system.

  • How do I pay for my summer semester?

    Until the lockdown of Muttrah is over, payments through cash/cheques will be suspended and students should pay online, using bank debit/credit cards after they complete their online registration. Students will be given a grace period to complete their payments online for any outstanding fees before they register for the new semester in September 2020. Click here to learn more about online payment.

  • How are my hostel fees calculated for the current and summer semester?

    Students will be exempt from the hostel payment for two months for the current semester (April, May) due to the suspension of studies on campus since 15 March, and will have to pay only for two Months (February, March) because the fees are calculated on a monthly basis not a daily basis, according to the normal hostel fee policy. That is to say that any number of days stayed in March are calculated as a full month. For the summer registration, the hostel will be free of charge unless the lockdown still persists, so students will also be relieved from hostel fees. It is worth mentioning that the College leases the hostels for the full year and charges the students for only eight months for the first and second semester.

  • How can I collect my security deposit during the lockdown period?

    Security deposits are refunded upon graduation or withdrawal from the College. In both cases, students must contact the Registry Department (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to arrange for the clearance process. Once the clearance form is completed, a copy must be sent to the Finance Department email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) together with bank details: Bank Name; Account Name; Account Number. If possible, send us a screenshot of your account number so we can verify any error/mistake on bank details provided. This will help us to avoid any delay in processing refunds. Processing time no longer than 5-7 working days once a request has been received.

Important Contact Information:

  • 80071000 (Toll Free): Prospective students and general inquiries (Ms. Fatma Al Kindi)
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 24730409: Local and International Admission Enquiries (Ms. Safa Al Rawahi)
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Post Graduate Centre:
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 24730424: Admissions and Registry Department (Ms. Shamsa Al Musalmi)
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 24730411: Student Support (Mr. Khamis Al Ghafri)
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 24730464: Academic Support (Dr. Ammar Al Balushi)
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 24730430: Finance Support (Sponsors): Ahmed Al Mandhari
    24730431: Finance Support (Student Enquiries): Edison Concepcion 
    24730432: Finance Support (Supplier): Omar Al Balushi
    24730433: Finance Support (Cash and Cheques) : Zeyana Al Rawahi
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Student Feedback on Online Learning:

Ghadeer Juma Al Musheifri, Accounting Student at Majan:
Majan dealt with the lockdown situation amazingly quickly, we were getting classes delivered online from day one. It is a new experience for us all, it has its challenges but is good for us to be able to continue our studies without interruption. Our lecturers, especially Mr George are so helpful and supporting, even responding to emails late at night.

Mohammed Bader Mohammed Al Mamri, IT Student at Majan:
I was impressed with how quickly Majan transitioned to online learning, it has been a challenge but a really excellent experience overall. I like the fact I can still communicate with my teachers face to face through GoToMeeting, the teachers have shown real commitment and support.

Saeed Mahmood Al-Manthri, English Language Student at Majan:
Majan demonstrated their experience and knowledge in the way they immediately switched to an alternative way of teaching. We have learnt a lot by facing this challenge. My teachers keep all their class sessions and assist us continually through email and online video, they have really assisted us through this challenging time.

Alaa Mustafa Al Lawati, Marketing Student at Majan:
When the online teaching started I didn’t think for a moment it would work, but I’ve been really impressed at the outcome. I hope to graduate this semester, so the fact the teaching has not been delayed means a lot to me. I now like learning comfortably at home, but I do miss the face to face time with my classmates. I am really grateful for all the effort the teachers put in to ensure we do not fall behind.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!

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Webpage last updated on 02/02/2021 08:00

Tuesday, 31 December 2019 10:26

ACCA Online

ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global body for professional accountants. Their aims are to offer business-relevant, first-choice qualifications to people of application, ability and ambition from around the world who seek a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management. According to an independent survey conducted among 1,300 employers in 20 countries, ACCA has been rated as the leading global professional accountancy body in reputation. ACCA has a global network of 83 offices and centres, 147,000 members and 424,000 students around the world. In the Middle East there is a gap in demand and supply of ACCA professionals, making it an ideal choice for the students who wish to make a career in accountancy in this part of the world.

Are you interested in our ACCA Certification?

Student Lead Source
First Name*
Last Name*
Call Status
Start Date: 1st of August 2023 | Study Period: 25 Hours | Study Mode: Hybrid

Get Ready for the Exam

MUC believes that simply studying the ACCA syllabus isn’t enough. That’s why our classes are divided into four categories; Face to Face with Online Platform, online live sessions with Platform, Platform only with CBE Mock up exam and Mock up exam access only courses, to help you get fully prepare for the exam.

Other Benefits

Our MUC ACCA online platform

At Majan University College, our highly experienced faculty members deliver live instruction and review sessions for the complete ACCA syllabus, backed by our robust quality assurance systems. Our esteemed academics not only provide marked mock examinations and interactive Q&A sessions but also offer comprehensive video debriefs. This vast array of resources, along with our latest cutting edge online platform ensures that our students approach their exams with full confidence and the ambition to pass at their initial attempts.

Our renowned online ACCA platform at Majan University College allows you to access all your live classes and study materials digitally, eliminating the need for any software installation. It provides access to high-definition recorded video lectures, lecture notes, and e-books, accompanied by extensive support from specialist UK tutors in the respective subject areas. This commitment to academic excellence and digital accessibility is what sets Majan University College apart in the world of higher education.

Our experienced tutors

Meet the team that delivers success

At Majan University College, we believe in the power of exceptional educators. Our team comprises handpicked, experienced experts committed to boosting your academic success. With a focus on individual engagement, our faculty members significantly enhances your chances of achieving your educational goals. With us, you are part of a community dedicated to academic excellence.

Dr.Ammar Al Balushi

Programme Manager

Ali Al Bolushi

Senior Instructor

Prof. Venkoba Rao

Senior Instructor

Select your ACCA study package

  • Face to Face Tuition sessions
  • Recorded tutor video lectures covering full syllabus + course Notes
  • Study Guide and Study Planner
  • Progress tests with video debriefs
  • Multiple choice tests with feedback
  • Dedicated tutor support
  • Introduction videos from course tutors
  • Study text, question bank
  • Course library of articles and videos to help you study
  • Specimen exam and recent questions
  • Preparing to take Mock exams
  • Tips for passing exam
  • CBE Mock Exams
  • Marked mock exam with video debrief
  • NA
    *T&C’s apply
  • Live Online Tuition sessions
  • Live Online Tuition Q&A sessions
  • Recorded tutor video lectures covering full syllabus + Course Notes
  • Study Guide and Study Planner
  • Progress tests with video debriefs
  • Multiple choice tests with feedback
  • Dedicated tutor support
  • Introduction videos from course tutors
  • Study text, question bank
  • Course library of articles and videos to help you study
  • Specimen exam and recent questions
  • Preparing to take Mock exams
  • Tips for passing exam
  • CBE Mock Exams
  • Marked mock exam with video debrief
  • NA
    *T&C’s apply
  • Start your studies anytime with this package
  • Recorded tutor video lectures covering full syllabus + Course Notes
  • Study Guide and Study Planner
  • Progress tests with video debriefs
  • Multiple choice tests with feedback
  • Introduction videos from course tutors
  • Study text, question bank
  • Course library of articles and videos to help you study
  • Specimen exam and recent questions
  • Preparing to take Mock exams
  • Tips for passing exam
  • CBE Mock Exams
  • Marked mock exam with video debrief
  • 70 OMR
    *T&C’s apply
  • Recorded Tutor Revision Lectures
  • Start your studies anytime with this package
  • Revision Planner
  • Revision Notes, Questions and Solutions
  • Progress tests with video debriefs
  • Multiple choice tests with feedback
  • Question bank
  • Course library of articles and videos to help you study
  • Specimen exam and recent questions
  • Tips for passing exam
  • CBE Mock Exams
  • Marked mock exam with video debrief
  • 50 OMR
    *T&C’s apply

Do You Know
  • Students with a ACCA Certificate in Management and Strategy see a 24% increase in their salaries over their bachelor peers (The Business Insider)
  • A Group Finance Director can earn up to £180,000

Get In Touch

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 24730400 | +968 7235 5500
Sunday, 29 December 2019 10:34



The year 2020 marks Majan University College’s Silver Jubilee! The College started as an initiative of the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Emirates Holding Company and Gulf Air in 1995 with just 140 registered students. Today with nearly 3000 students, it has become a trusted brand and a household name in Higher Education. Majan celebrates its 25th anniversary as Oman’s first private college in the higher education sector. Since the College, previously known as the “College of Administrative Sciences” gained University College status in 2002 and adopted the name ‘Majan’, it has grown significantly, and continues to expand on its range of programmes, modernising its campus, and providing modern resources and facilities. Academic Staff members comprise of a host of high calibre expatriates and Omani lecturers and researchers.

What were some of the key factors in its remarkable growth and transformation?

Key to Majan’s success is their consistency, progressive policies and practices, innovations in teaching & learning, robust Quality Assurance system and development of nationally relevant programme provisions. This has earned it prime positions in individual surveys and market sensitive polls across the country.

The College started out as an affiliate college of the University of Bedfordshire, UK and attained the status of an accredited college in 2008. With constant review of infrastructure, resources and academic provisions, the College maintains a dynamic stance of proactivity, introspection, and sensitivity to market trends.

From 2009 when voted best private college, Majan has remained a trusted brand and pacesetter in Higher Education provision. A few of the accolades gained and worthy of note include:

  • Most Trusted Private Higher Education brand in Oman by OER, 2019.
  • 1st higher education institution to achieve full institutional accreditation by the Oman Academic Accreditation Authority (OAAA), 2017.
  • No 1 in AIWA Awards for Best Performing Companies in 2016.
  • Partner of the Year Award' by the University of Bedfordshire in their awards ceremony 2016.
  • Most Trusted Brand Award by OER, 2016.
  • No 1 in AIWA Awards for Best Performing Companies in 2015.
  • Most Trusted Brand Award by OER, 2015.
  • No 1 in AIWA Awards for Best Performing Companies in 2014.
  • No 2 in AIWA Awards for Best Performing Companies in 2013.
  • No 1 in the field of private higher education in Oman (Business Today Best Brands Surveys 2008, 2009 and Oman Observer Surveys, 2008, 2009).
  • World Quality Commitment by Business Initiative Directions in Paris in 2007.

The two decade partnership with the University of Bedfordshire, UK has been instrumental to the growth and success of the College’s postgraduate and undergraduate degrees in a wide range of business, management, computing and language-related areas. Worthy of note is the MBA programme which commenced initially in 2004 and has grown to become a prominent and highly sought after qualification. This success can be attributed to the College’s unique collaboration with its UK partner and the commitment and dedication of their academics.

MUC has always inspired loyalty among its staff and as such staff retention is high. During its 20th Anniversary celebrations in 2015, the College granted long service awards to over 20 members of staff including academic and support staff who had risen through the ranks to hold deserving designations.

Recent years have seen the College continue to advance and attract new accolades. In December 2017, a delegation comprising the Chair and Board-members of the Oman Academic Accreditation Academy visited the campus to personally congratulate the College on becoming the first higher education institution in Oman to gain full OAAA institutional accreditation.

In the same year, the College began its partnership with the UK Higher Education Academy (HEA) , through which significant numbers of MUC staff have become HEA Fellows and Senior Fellows, further developing their expertise as lecturers and academic managers. Very recently, in November 2019, the Oman Economic Review recognised MUC as the most trusted private higher education brand in the Sultanate - just one of many similar plaudits received since 1995.

So, as the College awaits the imminent official opening of its new high specification six-storey building, the celebrations begin in an atmosphere of subtle satisfaction about the achievements of the past and optimistic thoughts about future developments such as envisioning more programme offerings, taking a prominent position in the Sultanate’s 2040 vision, having happier students and more accomplished graduates.

Student Stories

Programme overview

The BA (Hons) in Islamic Banking and Finance programme prepares students for careers in the Islamic Banking and Finance industry. The curriculum structure is designed to provide an opportunity to students to gain appropriate knowledge of Islamic Banking and Finance. The programme improves students’ analytical thinking skills and fosters creativity through which they develop effective strategies for core and contemporary issues related to Islamic Banking and Finance in both local and international contexts. The programme further enhances the student’s ability to apply theoretical knowledge to analyse and evaluate real-life Islamic Banking and Finance problems, and recommend sustainable strategies

Awards: (students must register for a particular award in order to qualify for that award)

  • Diploma in Higher Education
  • BA (Honours)

 Mode of delivery: Full time and Part time

 Programme Structure

Students are required to pass eight modules totalling 120 credits in each year (level). In total students must satisfactorily complete 480 credits (32 modules) with a combination of core and specialisation modules to be eligible for the award of the BA (Honours).

Programme structures may be subject to change and modules may be offered in any of the semesters in an academic year

Fee Structure

Click here to view the Fee Structure

Modules in First Year (Level 3)

# Module Name Credits
1 Omani Culture & Civilization (Non-Arabic Speakers) 15
2 Arabic Language and Society (Arabic Speakers) 15
3 English Vocabulary in Use 15
4 Fundamentals of Business Management 15
5 Fundamentals of ICT 15
6 English for General Reading and Writing 15
7 Professional Communication Skills in English 15
8 Business & Entrepreneurship 15
9 Logical and Problem Solving Skills 15
  Total Credit 120


Modules in Second Year (Level 4)


Module name



Principles of Management



Principles of Islamic Economics



Business Mathematics and Statistics



Principles of Islamic Banking



Introduction to Financial Accounting



Integrated Language Skills



Academic Reading and Writing



Shariah Law Fiqh & Usul Al Fiqh



Total Credits



Modules in Third Year (Level 5)


Module name



English for Employability Skills



Islamic Financial Markets & Institutions



Fundamentals of Islamic Finance



Ethics and Governance in Islamic Financial Institutions



Foundation to Business Strategy



Research Methods



Islamic Banking Products and Services



Financial Reporting for Islamic Financial Institutions



Total Credits



Modules in Fourth Year (Level 6)


Module name



Financial Statement Analysis



Islamic Equity & Alternative Assets



Derivatives & Risk Management Practices in Islamic Finance



Strategic Management



Corporate Finance



Small Business Finance






Contemporary Issues in Islamic Banking and Finance



Wealth Planning and Management in Islamic Finance



Islamic Banking and Finance (Project)(Dissertation)


Total Credits


Are you interested in this Programme?

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Last Name*
Call Status
Monday, 04 November 2019 13:04

Investor Relations (IR)

The BSc (Computing) programme prepares students to demonstrate in-depth skills and knowledge in relation to IT applications that support business needs.

Salient Features of the Oil & Gas Pathway

The programme will equip students for a career in the domain of IT solutions and management in the Oil and Gas Industry. Graduates of the BSc (Hons) Computing (Oil & Gas) programme will be ideally positioned to acquire a job in the oil and gas industry among its IT solution providers. The programme is the first of its kind and is specifically designed for students looking to gain the required competency to help fill a major skills gap within the oil and gas industry. It will provide hands-on experience with technologies like SCADA, Wireless Sensor Network, Industrial Computing, Oil and Gas processes and Industrial Data networks.

This course will produce computing practitioners who:

  • Have a good understanding of Information Technology applications in the Oil and Gas industry.
  • Are able to design, implement and evaluate IT services with the needs of the Oil and Gas industry and its IT providers in mind
  • Possess a deep understanding of professional, ethical, legal and security issues in the industry
  • Are able to integrate the use of IT tools and techniques into the framework of an appropriate development methodology to develop high quality software solutions.


  • Diploma in Higher Education
  • BSc (Honours)

Students must register for a particular award in order to qualify for that award

Mode(s) of Study and Duration

  • Diploma in Higher Education (Full Time) – 3 years
  • Diploma in Higher Education (Part Time/ intensive part time) – 4 years
  • Bachelors with honours (Full-time)- 4 years
  • Bachelors with honours (Part-time// intensive part time)-5 ½ years

Delivery Method

The programme will be delivered as follows:

  • The academic semester will consist of seven (7) teaching weeks and the students will be registered for three (3) modules in each semester.
  • The first two weeks of each month in the academic semester will be the teaching weeks.
  • Students must attend 6 scheduled contact hours per module every teaching week.
  • The college academic support systems to support the students Independent and Autonomous learning will be available for them throughout the semester.

Key Points to Note

  • Letter from the employer signed by HR and duly stamped indicating permission granted to study must be submitted prior to registration.
  • This is a full fledge MoHE approved academic programme and is not a vocational programme.
  • This programme is exclusively customized for employees working in Oil & Gas sector

Pathway Objectives

This pathway aims to provide students with:

  • A good understanding of the IT requirements of the Oil and Gas Industry.
  • The ability to align IT services with the needs of the Oil and Gas industry and its IT providers.
  • Proficiency in the use of modern industrial computing environment
  • The skills needed to design and develop computing solutions for the oil and gas industries.

Job Opportunities Include

  • System Support Manager
  • Industrial Computing Executive
  • Oil & Gas Network Manager
  • SCADA System Administrator
  • Wireless Network Architect
  • Sensors Network Administrator

Fee Structure

Click here to view the Fee Structure

Modules for Year 1


Unit Name



Omani Culture & Civilization (Non-Arabic Speakers)/Arabic Language and Society (Arabic Speakers)



English Vocabulary in Use



Fundamentals of Business Management



Fundamentals of ICT



English for General Reading and Writing



Professional Communication Skills in English


Modules for Year 2


Unit Name



Business and Entrepreneurship



Logical and Problem Solving Skills



Integrated Language Skills



Introduction to Programming



Mathematical and Statistical Skills



Computer Systems and Networking


Modules for Year 3


Unit Name



Academic Reading and Writing



Digital Logic Design



Systems Analysis and Design



Data Structures and Algorithms



Oil and Gas Business Processes



English for Employability Skills


Modules for Year 4


Unit Name



Local Area Networks



Database Management Systems



IT Research Methods



Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition



Industrial Data Networks



Data Visualization Techniques


Modules for Year 5


Unit Name



Project Management Methods and Tools



Database Administration



Wireless Sensor Networks in Oil and Gas Industry



Technology Project 1



Data Warehousing and Data Mining



Entrepreneurship and Small Business


Modules for Year 6


Unit Name



Enterprise Information Management



Technology Project 2 (Dissertation)


Are you interested in this Programme?

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Get in Touch

  • Tel: +968 2473 0400
  • WhatsApp : +968 7235 5500
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Mutrah | Way No. 2621 | Building No. 1986
  • P.O Box: 710, P.C: 112 | Ruwi | Sultanate of Oman
  • Hotline: +968 8007 1000