About Majan (32)

All the articles related to that talks about the college history, mission and vision will be included here.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015 14:26


The graduation ceremony is an annual event normally held in December. The event is for undergraduate and postgraduate students who have passed their degree programmes during the last academic year. The next graduation ceremony will be on 14th December at 10am at Al Noor Hall.
Sunday, 22 November 2015 08:52

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Sunday, 15 November 2015 10:27

Alumni : Noteworthy

The College's 20th anniversary celebrations kicked off with an event held at the Intercon Hotel Gardens. Where a number of dignitaries, current staff, former staff, and 300 Alumni were entertained to an evening celebrating Majan's achievements during the past 20 years. Check out the following Youtube links to get an idea of want took place.

Sunday, 15 November 2015 10:24

Alumni : News

The number of MCAA members currently stands at well over 500, with a high percentage wishing to be involved in organising events and get togethers.

Sunday, 15 November 2015 10:23

Alumni : Events

Between now and the end of the year, the College is looking to arrange events for the first six months of next year. So messages will be sent out early in December to MCAA members, asking for ideas for venues and events that they would like to take place. Would anybody like to be involved in a game of paintball?

Sunday, 15 November 2015 09:11

Alumni : About

The Majan College Alumni Association (MCAA) has been created to allow Majan graduates to keep in touch with each other, their former lecturers, as well as what is happening at the College. If you would like to be involved in the MCAA please click on the 'Register' button below and fill in the form.


Wednesday, 11 November 2015 16:06

English Faculty Publication

Faculty members actively participate in various kinds of research activities, conduct individual and group research on topics related to the areas of linguistics, teaching English as a second language and the role of technologies in teaching in learning. The members of the Faculty regularly present and publish their papers both in the Middle East and abroad. The results of their research underpins teaching and helps in the development of students' skills and abilities in the use of language. The faculty members present their research in a variety of forms that are monographs, chapters in books, articles, presentations and workshops. The results of the last academic year research activities are as follows.


Name Title Venue of Conference /Proceedings or journal name Date
Dr. Larysa Nikolayeva

Typology of Kinship terms

Peter Lang. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2014. 227 pp.


Chapters in Books

Name Title Venue of Conference /Proceedings or journal name Date
Alina Chirciu & Dr Tulika Self-access or access to self? experimenting with e-learning in Oman Using Technology in Foreign Language Teaching, Al Mahrooqi, Rahma, Troudi, Salah (eds.), 2014, Cambridge Scholars 2014

Research Papers

Name Title Venue of Conference /Proceedings or journal name Date
Dr. Rajat Ghosh E-learning and its role in reshaping teaching methods and techniques First Dhofar University National English Language Conference, at Dhofar University, Oman. 2014

Dr. Rajat Ghosh

Developing pragmatic competence in adult Omani EFL learners by refining their performance of speech acts AILA World Congress of Applied Linguistics, at Brisbane, Australia. 2014
Dr. Larysa Nikolayeva Typology of Semantics of Reciprocal Consanguineal Kinship Terms Studia Germanica et Romanica:Foreign Languages, World Literature, Methods of Teaching. Donetsk: Donetsk National University. 2014
Alina Chirciu

 To Be or Not To Be a Professional. An Exploration of TESOL Professional Identity in Oman

International Journal of Bilingual & Multilingual Teachers of English @ 2014: Scientific Publishing Center, University of Bahrain Int. J. Bilin. Mult. Teach. Eng.2, No.1(July-2014) Website: http://journals.uob.edu.bh, ISSN (2210-1829) 2014
 Anita Teresa Boggu  Language learning strategies among less proficient learners in Oman IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)Volume 19, Issue 9, Ver. VIII (Sep. 2014), PP 46-53 2014


Name Title Venue of Conference /Proceedings or journal name Date
Alina Chirciu Self-accessed learning TESOL Arabia, Dubai 2015

Alina Chirciu, Nadiya Al Mashaikhi

Moving with MOVE: an e-learning platform case study Sultan Qaboos University 2015
Marwa Al Hadhrami Google Docs: Teaching Writing Effectively Sultan Qaboos University 2015
Anita Boggy, Samiya Jabr Unsuccessful language learner’s contribution towards strategy instruction Sultan Qaboos University 2015

Dr. Rajat Ghosh

Pedagogy of Linguistics as a means of redistribution of academic power

Brighton, UK

Dr. Farhad Tayebipour  

The effects of oral vs. written corrective feedback on EFL learner's writing skill


Dr. Rajat Ghosh

E-learning and its role in reshaping teaching methods and techniques First Dhofar University National English Language Conference, at Dhofar University, Oman. 2014

Dr. Rajat Ghosh

Developing pragmatic competence in adult Omani EFL learners by refining their performance of speech acts AILA World Congress of Applied Linguistics, at Brisbane, Australia. 2014
Dr. Farhad Tayebipour The effect of dynamic assessment on EFL Learners’ Acquisition of Request and Apology International Conference (Experimental)Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat 2014

Workshops (conducted (C) & attended (A))

Name Title Venue of Conference /Proceedings or journal name Date

Dr. Rajat Ghosh

Pedagogy of Linguistics as a means of redistribution of academic power

FOEL, Majan College, (C)

Dr. Farhad Tayebipour

The effects of oral vs. written corrective feedback on EFL learner's writing skill

FOEL, Majan College, (C)


Anita Teresa Boggu, Dr. Daisy Dolores

Poster Presentations for Business English Students FOEL, Majan College, (C) 2015
Alina Chirciu, Dr. Tulika, Marwa Al Hadhrami, Ruchita

Sharing Experience of SQU Conference

Sultan Qaboos University 2015
Dr. Tulika UIF Writing FOEL, Majan College 2015

Yevette Mathew

Learner Independence and Multimedia Language Labs

FOEL, Majan College, (C)


Dr. Larysa Nikolayeva

Typology of Kinship terms

FOEL, Majan College, (C)

Dr. Farhad Tayebipour The effect of dynamic assessment on EFL Learners’ Acquisition of Request and Apology FOEL, Majan College, (C) 2014
Anita Teresa Boggu

Teaching IELTS outside the box. Delivered by
Jonathan Mark Unwin(UK author and presenter)

British Council, (A)

 Anita Teresa Boggu

Bridging the gap (Lower level IRLTS leaners perspectives and needs) Delivered by  Louis Harrison EFL Director of Studies at the University of Glasgow)

British Council, (A)



Name Title Venue of Conference /Proceedings or journal name Date
Alina Chirciu Self-accessed learning TESOL Arabia, Dubai 2015

Alina Chirciu, Nadiya Al Mashaikhi

Moving with MOVE: an e-learning platform case study Sultan Qaboos University 2015
Marwa Al Hadhrami Google Docs: Teaching Writing Effectively Sultan Qaboos University 2015
Anita Boggy, Samiya Jabr Unsuccessful language learner’s contribution towards strategy instruction Sultan Qaboos University 2015

Dr. Rajat Ghosh

Pedagogy of Linguistics as a means of redistribution of academic power

Brighton, UK

Dr. Farhad Tayebipour

The effects of oral vs. written corrective feedback on EFL learner's writing skill

Anita Teresa Boggu

Oman 14th International ELT Conference Bridging Traditions and Innovations in ELT

Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat 2014

Yevette Mathew

Maximising Learner Autonomy though Multimedia Language Labs

ELT Conference, SQU, Muscat 2014

Yevette Mathew

Effective reading and writing strategies for young learners. TESOL Arabia, Dubai 2014
Monday, 09 November 2015 12:26

Majan Training Centre News

Current Courses

NameTitle of Research PaperVenue of Conference /Proceedings or journal nameDate
Eduria, O.W. and Cruz. M.E.L. Information Technology (IT) and its Role in Establishing Total Quality Management (TQM) in Higher Education Institutions in the Sultanate of Oman”   The International Journal Of Business & Management (ISSN 2321 – 8916), Vol 2 Issue VII December 2014
Tewari Veena, Mittal Harish Co Creation and Collaboration: Branding Tools International Journal of Knowledge and Research in Management and E-Commerce. Print-ISSN: 2231-203X e-ISSN: 2231-033,Vol 4, No. 3 2014
Tewari Veena, Raman VVR Spirituality: The essence of education International journal on spirituality and organizational leadership, ISSN:2320-222X, Vol 2, No.1 2014
Gunupudi N. How different is teaching with emotional intelligence 'Research Chronicler' an international journal, ISSN: 2347-503X. 2014
Gargi C., Tewari Veena A study on behavioral factors influencing consumer debt in the sultanate of Oman International Journal of Knowledge and Research in Management and E-Commerce, Print-ISSN: 2231-203X e-ISSN: 2231-033 2014
Tewari Veena, Tahseen Arshi A. Creativity; Inborn Or Acquired Skill For Successful Entrepreneurs Proceedings of International conference on innovation & crisis through the prism of entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics, Podgorica, Montenegro, ISBN 978-86-80133-68-3 2014
D. Venkoba Rao Employee engagement in the Indian ITES-BPO industry New Delhi, India, Scholars World, Astral International, ISBN-978935130207 2014
C. Sam Sundar Impact of capital structure on firm's profitability with reference to companies listed on MSM (Muscat Securities Market) International Conference titled New Directions in Multidisciplinary Research & Practice (NDMRP- May 12-13, 2015), Istanbul, Turkey. 2015
Tewari Veena Social Media: Driver for Tourism Marketing: Study of GCC states International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM2015 30 March-1 April 2015), Athens– Greece. 2015
Tewari Veena An empirical study on the fast food industry of The Sultanate of Oman International Conference on Business and Information 2014, Osaka, Japan. 2014
Tewari Veena, Tahseen Arshi A. Creativity; Inborn Or Acquired Skill For Successful Entrepreneurs Proceedings of International conference on innovation & crisis through the prism of entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics, Podgorica, Montenegro, ISBN 978-86-80133-68. 2014
D. Venkoba Rao Presented a paper on Training and Development Practices in Public Sector Undertakings nternational Conference on recent trends in Training and Development, February 2014, JNTU, Hyderabad, India. 2014
Dr. Veena Tewari Guest speech at the ICOM International Conference on Marketing 2014, Srilanka. 2014
Tahseen Arshi and Abhay Joshi Linked In or Locked Out? A Study of LinkedIn as a Job Search and Recruitment Tool. MIC (Majan International Conference) 2014
David Owen and Tahseen Arshi A pilot study to evaluate the potential and value for enhanced Operations and Project Management learning in Omani companies. MIC (Majan International Conference) 2014
Tahseen Arshi and Veena Tewari Product of nature or nurture: A case of Young Omani Entrepreneur. MIC (Majan International Conference) 2014
Tahseen Arshi and Ekta Rastogi Personalized Learning: Replacing mass consumption with mass participation. MIC (Majan International Conference) 2014
Venkoba Rao Impact of National Culture on Female Leadership at Majan International Conference, Majan College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. MIC (Majan International Conference) 2014
Poonam Kumar and Veena Tewari An empirical study of Indian digital consumer industry and emphasis on cash on delivery system in India. MIC (Majan International Conference) 2014
Udayanan Pappusamy, J. Vijayadurai and Arlin Roosma A Study of entrepreneurial intention among Students. MIC (Majan International Conference) 2014
Uma Selvi, Mohd. Ibrahim Hussein and Sathya Narayanan Business Education inclination and its impact on career mobility of working students in the Gulf: An empirical study MIC (Majan International Conference) 2014
NameTitle of Research PaperVenue of Conference /Proceedings or journal nameDate
Ram A novel approach for optimizing Governance, Risk management and Compliance for enterprise information security by Integrating DEMATEL and FoM Methods Accepted for Publication in Computers & Security Journal , Elsevier Publications Article in press
Mohammed Waleed "Machining Process Workpiece Classification based on Texture Feature Analysis and the Support Vector Machine" Accepted for Publication in the International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications Article in Press
Mohammed Waleed "Classification of Machining Processes using Gray-level Histogram and Edge Detection Features"

ISER- 13th International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICRTET), San Francisco, USA

Article in Press
Albert A. Tayong Number Systems and Its Conversions Journal of Computer Science & Systems Biology Article is Under Review
Albert A. Tayong

Number Systems and Its Conversions

Oman, Issuu [ONLINE] Sep 2015
Albert A. Tayong

Matrices and its Applications

Oman, Issuu [ONLINE] Sep 2015
Ram Conference paper titled “Performance Optimization of a Datacentre Using Virtualization Technology: A case study Presented in the International Symposium on Intercloud and IoT (ICI-2015), conducted by IEEE computer Society in August 2015, Rome, Italy. August  2015
Mohammed Waleed "Machining Process Classification using PCA-Reduced Histogram Features and the Support Vector Machine"

Accepted for presentation in
IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA).

August 2015

Mohammed Waleed "Artificial Neural Network-Based Texture Classification Using Reduced Multi-directional Gabor Features" International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS), Volume (9), Issue (6), 2014. July 2014
Ms. Jacintha Menezes Segmentation and Classification of Oil Spill Data from Hyperspectral Images ICAICT 2014 Conference, Middle East College Oman 29th April, 2014

Ms. Shajeea Khan
Ms. Jacintha,
Ms. Baya Mr.Ram

A Decision tree based approach to correlate students’ progress and the acquired skills:  A case study" Majan International Conference , Muscat April 8,9, 2014
Mr. Ram

Information Security Governance using COBIT: Focusing  on Critical Success Factors

International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions​, ISSN (Online): 1748-5703 - ISSN (Print): 1748-569X (Article Communicated in 2012, published in Sep 2013) Sep 2013
Mohammed Waleed "Supervised ANN Classification for Engineering Machined Textures Based on Enhanced Features Extraction and Reduction Scheme" E-Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science (AICS), Volume(1), Issue(1), 2013 August 2013
Mr.Asad IEEE Conference, SERE 2014,  USA USA 29, June to 2, July 2014
Mr Asad Securing Internet Information Services (IIS) Configuration Files

Springer LNCS Volume 7996, 2013, pp 551-560

July 2013
Mr. Ram

Information Security Audit in Virtual Environment

The Research Bulletin of Jordan ACM, Volume II(III)pp. 132-136 April 2013
Mr. Asad A Boundary Node Detection Based Solution for Minimizing the Effects of Nodes Distribution Over Key Exchange in Group Based WSN

The 15th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS-2012), Australia, September 26-28, 2012

September 2012
Ms. Jacintha Menezes

A Novel Segmentation Technique for Clustering Oil Spill Data from Hyperspectral Images

Second International Conference on Advances in Communication and Information Technology - CIT 2012 in Frankfurt, Germany. August 2012
Mr Asad Securing Internet Information Services (IIS) Configuration Files 7th IEEE International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2012), London UK ISBN : 978-1-4673-5325-0 Dec 2012
Ms. Reja E J Project ZISE UAE April 2011
Mr. D. Ram Effective server  virtualization with enhanced security strategy for large organizations World CIS 2011, IEEE conference , London Feb 21-23, 2011
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