Friday, 16 October 2015 02:22

Code of Conduct

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General information

All Majan College students enjoy rights and privileges which are due to them as students. Students are required to exert sufficient care and commitment in order to fulfill their roles and special obligations as members of the academic community. The College expects all students to conduct themselves by the following standards that are designed for its general well-being. It also includes any acts or conduct whereby the interests of the College, its staff or other students are clearly violated. Any violations of these policies may result in disciplinary actions and/or legal actions.  The fact that a violation occurs off-campus does not preclude the interest and involvement of the College. Moreover, students are required to familiarise themselves with the published rules, regulations and standards of expected conduct. Claims of ignorance will not be considered as a mitigating factor. Visitors to the College shall also observe these regulations while on College property. Non-compliance by a student’s visitor(s), particularly in cases of abuse and harassment of members of the College community, and destruction of College property, may subject students to sanctions imposed by the College.

General Conduct

In general, Majan College students are expected to:

  • respect one another and the College staff,
  • demonstrate civility and loyalty to the institution,
  • be responsible for their actions and for their learning,
  • be fair and act with honesty.

All students are expected to conduct themselves as responsible members of the academic and social community, while on- or off-campus. They must respect the rights and privileges of others, as well as differences of opinion and diversity. They must treat all College staff, students and visitors with respect and consideration. They must take responsibility for their own learning by fully engaging in the learning process and participating in College or class activities.


All students are expected to dress in an appropriate manner that reflects sensitivity to local culture and traditions.

College Identification Card

While on campus, all students are expected to carry with them their current College Identification card. Any member of the College staff, whether academic or administrative, has the right to ask any student to produce their identification card, failing which the student may be asked to leave the College premises. 

Individual dignity

Disrespectful and abusive behaviour towards any of the College’s staff or other students on or off campus will be considered an extremely serious violation, and will invite the ultimate penalties. Such behaviour may include verbal abuse or threatening and obstructive acts towards another individual of the College community, including acts which cause embarrassment, fright, humiliation, ridicule or degrades another individual or endangers the physical safety of another person. Students and their visitors should desist from making any insulting or derogatory comments on another individual’s social or personal background, including ethnicity, religion, gender, family, nationality, ancestry, or disability.


Students must not engage in any conduct which interferes with an individual’s work or academic performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for any individual.  Such acts also include statements of a sexual nature which are abusive, intimidating, harassing, or embarrassing. Any student who is found guilty of the above, or who retaliates against any person filing a complaint, or against any witness to the incident, will be expelled from the College.

Academic Dishonesty

All students are expected to practice high standards of academic and professional honesty and integrity. Cheating or plagiarism in any form is unacceptable, and will be strictly penalised. The College key objective is to promote the cognitive and psycho-social development of all students. All work submitted by a student must represent their own ideas, concepts, and current understanding. Academic dishonesty also includes submitting the same or substantial portions of a coursework for more than one module or for the same module at different times without the permission of the lecturers concerned.

Falsification of Official Records

Willful falsification of official records or documents, including College documents, student academic transcripts and records, registration forms, fee receipts, identification cards, etc., or omission with the intent to deceive, is prohibited. Falsifying, distorting, or misrepresenting information to any College staff or authority/committee will also constitute a violation.

Official Notification

Failure to comply with any official notification or legitimate directives, written or verbal, of a duly-authorised administrative or Faculty member of the College in the performance of their duties will invite punitive action.

Computing Resources

Majan College provides access to electronic information resources, including networks, software, and equipment, to its students. The Majan College Information Technology Policy (IT Policy) is published in the students’ handbook, and details requirements governing student, Faculty, and staff use of its information technology resources. All students are bound not only by the IT Policy, but also by national and international laws relating to electronic media, copyrights, privacy, and security. The use of IT resources is a privilege, and using the Internet for chatting, downloading, and accessing offensive and unlawful material is strictly forbidden. Action will be taken against any student found using the Internet for any of the above purposes.  Students are allowed to use the College’s Internet facilities only for research relating to their studies.Drugs, alcoholic beverages, and substances banned by the laws of Oman: Possession, consumption, or sale of any of the above substances by members of the College community, and on the College campus, is strictly prohibited. The possession of pornography is also strictly prohibited.

Religious Sentiments

Any acts or comments which may hurt religious sentiments inside or outside the College premises are strictly prohibited.

Destruction of College Property

The intentional and malicious destruction or misuse of private property belonging to others in the College community or its visitors, as well as College property, is prohibited.


Not attending classes and encouraging others not to attend classes will result in appropriate action by the College, including not allowing the student to attempt assessments in that module.  80% attendance for all modules is compulsory, unless there are exceptional, mitigating circumstances – which must be accepted by the Faculty Mitigating Circumstances Committee.

Unauthorized Entry

Any unauthorized or forceful entry, whether actual or attempted, into any College facility or building is strictly prohibited.


Theft or the conversion of the Institution’s or another individual’s property will invite legal action. This includes the possession of College property or property of any member of the College community without permission or authorisation of the owner of the property.

Student unions

All student clubs, organisations or committees must have prior, official approval from the Dean. Students are also not allowed to issue any pamphlets/magazines or literature in the College without the prior approval of the Dean.

Violation of College rules and regulations

The violation of other published College regulations, policies, or rules, or violations of Omani laws is prohibited.  Such regulations, policies, or rules include, but are not limited to those which prohibit the misuse of computing resources, assessments and unfair means, hostel accommodation, and student groups or organisations.

Student Conduct Hearing

Any member of the College community may file charges against a student or their visitors for violating the code of conduct. Charges shall be prepared in writing and directed to the Disciplinary Board. The Disciplinary Board will then take the following steps:

  • Notify the concerned parties of the date of the Disciplinary hearing  within seven working days from the time the complaint is filed.
  • Submissions of any relevant information by the complainant and the respondent must be received at least 24 hours prior to the hearing.
  • Decisions, regarding the complaint, will be submitted and communicated in writing within seven working days of the hearing.
  • Any appeals to decisions must be submitted in writing to the Dean’s office within three working days.
  • Read 33355 times Last modified on Saturday, 19 November 2016 22:13

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